what we offer?
ITDI offers you a helping hand with mutual benefits. We take your Electronic waste and recycle it into something productive. Our offering reduces your waste and saves the environment from an upcoming disaster by Electronic waste. From Computers to Small electronic appliances like hairdryers, we take it all.

All the computers
Laptops and Desktops

TVs and Monitors
Flat screen displays, rear projection, and cathode ray tube (CRT) displays

Small appliances
Monitors, Keyboard, Mouse, Scanners etc.

Home electronics
Printers, keyboards, DVD and VCR players, stereos, video game players, cell phones, printers, fax machines, and AV equipment
current services
Promote Your Environment

Electronics do die with time, and then we need to change them. For technological advancements and the environment, we take all the Computers to recycle them.

Big screen or small, each one of them is worth getting recycled into something better. Recycle it and give a gift to yourself and the environment.

We buy home electronics and keep using them after repairing them twice, thrice, and even more times. But the time comes at the end when it doesn't need repair but e-recycling.

Everything is running on electricity, either small or big. Never underestimate the power of a small appliance. It is contributing to our environment, so don't neglect it but let them E-recycle.